Slipped Disc

What does Prolapsed disc or slipped disc means?

Prolapsed disc or slipped disc means a part of disc usually nucleus pulposus comes out of the disc through a tear in the outer capsule of disc also called as annular tear. The chemical which comes out of the disc (nucleus pulposus) irritates the nerve root which causes radical are pain or leg pain.


Why have I got slipped disc?

Slipped disc is caused by a variety of factors. Obesity, smoking, driving for long, vibratory activities, sudden lifting of heavy objects all of these activities can cause slipped disc. In many cases no cause can be appreciated.

Will I need surgery for a prolapsed disc?

85 to 90 precent of patients don’t need surgery for disc prolapse. Most of the cases can be treated with conservative treatment in the form of medications and nerve root blocks.

What are the indications for surgery in a disc prolapse?

Patients who have failed on conservative treatment for more than 12 weeks is a relative indication for surgery. If the patient develops neurological deficit or weakness in legs or develop bladder bowel issues those are also indications for surgery.

What kind of surgery is ideal or gold standard for disc prolapse?

Microdiscectomy is ideal or gold standard for disc prolapse.

How many days will I stay in hospital after surgery?

Most of the patients are discharged next day after surgery.

Can any complications occur after disc surgery?

Complications are very rare after disc surgery. Most common complication is dural tear. If dural tear occurs then patient will need to stay in hospital for further 3 days. Chances of neural deficit is very rare( 1 in 1000). If neural deficit develops it is mostly temporary and recovers over a period of time.